80 Days + 80 Articles = The End of 2021
Since late last week, the cool fall breeze that pulls denim jackets and comfy boots and leggings on its coattails rolled across the island of Krk and settled into the small town of Malinska I now call home. But true to island living off of the Adriatic, the winds are also getting stronger and colder, and many of the long-time locals have already broken the puffy winter jackets and snow boots from the backs of their closets.
This afternoon, I was reading an article by the wonderful Shaunta Grimes, who has challenged herself again to write daily to bring in the new year.
And like the wind so many people (not me) on Krk are dreading, Shaunta’s looking to be “blown away” by the results of her consistent work.
My eyebrows raised at Shaunta’s mention of how drastically her views changed based on writing for 30 days straight to 90 days, and I decided this was something I needed to do for myself.
I’ve decided I’m going to write through the end of the year, totaling 80 new articles for the 80 days left of 2021. My topics may just not be as niched…