Happy New Year! Here’s What to Expect in 2023.

McKenzie Lynn Tozan
4 min readJan 1, 2023

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s celebration and are excited about what’s to come in 2023. I had a quiet evening at home with my family, but in the past week in particular, I’ve put a great deal of thought into what I want to accomplish this year.

Publishing Highlights from 2022

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed in my publishing history in 2022. Though I had multiple titles on track to self-publish in 2022, that did not happen, and a series on working as a travel freelancer did not happen, either.

I had planned on ending the year on a high note, with publications occurring in the fall and winter, with a publishing celebration to follow at Christmas. But because of an experience I had in the fall, I found myself struggling with my mental health and an on-and-off terrible flu. While I kept writing, I knew I needed to prioritize my health and push the publishing dates back.

That being said, the year was not completely unsuccessful! Though I didn’t publish any books, I produced hundreds of news articles, and I wrote the most book reviews I have in the last few years, which was a refreshing change.

What To Expect in 2023



McKenzie Lynn Tozan

A Dino Poet, Novelist, Book Reviewer, Double EIC, & Midwestern Girl in Croatia. THE DUPLEX out now! https://beacons.ai/mckenzielynntozanwrites