John Legend updated “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” for 2019 — right down to calling an Uber.

McKenzie Lynn Tozan
6 min readDec 7, 2019
from JillWellington / pixabay

It’s late 2019, and I’m bringing this to you a little later than I originally planned.

Now that Halloween and Thanksgiving have gone to bed and people are throwing out their tired pumpkins, it’s time for the next big thing.

You know what it is. Whether or not you celebrate, you will be surrounded by Christmas for the next two months, if not longer (especially since I’m counting all the post-holiday sales that seem to drag on forever; sometimes those sales feel more dramatic than Black Friday, but maybe that’s just me).

In case your favorite local stores haven’t already been overrun, let me remind you: soon your grocery store aisles, and home decor, toy, and electronic departments will be hyper-decorated with sales, Santa references, and lit Christmas decorations.

And let’s not forget the Christmas music: the same three or four songs played over and over again.

But this year, there may actually be a fourth or fifth song — or, let’s be honest, maybe one of those previous rotating jams will be pulled — now that John Legend and Kelly Clarkson have dropped a new-hit-actually-rendition-of-an-oldie-but-goodie-turned-rapist-song.



McKenzie Lynn Tozan
McKenzie Lynn Tozan

Written by McKenzie Lynn Tozan

A Dino Poet, Novelist, Book Reviewer, Double EIC, & Midwestern Girl in Croatia. THE DUPLEX out now!

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