InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanMoving Forward, Moving Back: Reading Jason Odell Williams’ PERSONAL STATEMENTAn in-depth review of Jason Odell Williams’ debut novelNov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanTransforming Her Power, Her Beauty, Her Image: Reading Rebecca Hains’ THE PRINCESS PROBLEMAn in-depth review of Rebecca Hains’ Parenting Guide, THE PRINCESS PROBLEMOct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanMy Favorite Book of All Time & The Art of Writing Grief: Reading Kristin Bair O’Keefe’s THE ART OF…An in-depth book review of Kristin Bair O’Keefe’s THE ART OF FLOATINGOct 16, 2021Oct 16, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanPoetic Advice from a Mother to a Mother-to-Be: Reading Molly Sutton Kiefer’s NESTUARYAn In-Depth Book ReviewOct 14, 2021Oct 14, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanWe’ll Never Know What We’re Leaving Behind: Reading SWIMMING LESSONS by Claire FullerThis book takes a few days to get over. Have a chaser (next read) ready!Sep 20, 2021Sep 20, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanThe Phobia, the Philia, and the Altered Persona: Reading Jessica Piazza’s INTERROBANGA Book Review of Jessica Piazza’s Poetry Collection, INTERROBANGSep 20, 2021Sep 20, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanGONE GIRL Meets LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE In Jean Hanff Korelitz’s THE PLOT.Jean Hanff Korelitz Creates THE PLOT You’ll Never See Coming.May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn Tozan“The Snapping Open of a Valve / A Bird’s Egg”: Reading Kerrin McCadden’s LANDSCAPE WITH PLYWOOD…An insider’s review of Kerrin McCadden’s first full-length poetry collection.May 20, 2021May 20, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanThe Power of Grief, The Power of Hallucination, The Power of YA Literature: Reading Rebekah…Book Review of ASPEN by Rebekah CraneApr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanPreparing the Way for My Daughter through BooksReading Lori Day’s HER NEXT CHAPTERMay 2, 2020May 2, 2020
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanThe (Im)Precision of Language, Nature, & ViolenceAn in-depth look at Shaindel Beers’ SECURE YOUR OWN MASKApr 27, 2020Apr 27, 2020
InThe Bookish WeekendbyMcKenzie Lynn TozanThe Color Spectrum of Mood & Mind in DreamsA reflective book review of Kyle Muntz’s GREEN LIGHTSApr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020